Having trouble submitting your assignment?
If you have completed all the questions in your assignment and it is not allowing you to submit then please check the following items.
Uploaded document
If the assignment requires you to upload a document to answer the question then please make sure there is text in the answer box as the assignment cannot be submitted without this. All you need to add in the text box is "Document uploaded" or similar and click save.
This will most likely fix your concern.
Submitting assignments out of set order.
If you are receiving the below message it is because you have either missed out an assignment or you have not yet received a pass mark for the previous assignment. We ensure all assignments are worked in order to make sure that any feedback received is applied to the next assignment.
If you are waiting for an assignment to be graded, you can complete the next assignment and save progress but will not be able to submit it until the previous assignment is passed.
Unsaved question
Please double check that all questions within the assignment are completed and saved. It will not allow you to submit your assignment if it is not all completed and saved.